“Man has a natural aversion to grace. A persistent turning away from grace is demonstrated biblically and historically….The unconditional free grace of God that brings us to the cross of Christ for all and any merit before God keeps us humble, which allows us to experience more grace: “But He gives more grace. Therefore He says: ‘God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble’ James 4:6. The slave woman of legalism and her son will always persecute the free woman of grace and her son Gal. 4:29. The two cannot co-exist or mix. Paul’s advice is to throw out the slave woman and her son Gal. 4:30. Watch carefully for the natural drift away from grace. Don’t try to compromise with legalism or anything that threatens the absolute free nature of grace. Rather, “Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free, and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage”
Charlie Bing
people are wondering why you people are making such a big issue out of legalism. perhaps the wolves have distorted the legal issues in the bible to build for themselves luxurious mansion and obtained fine cars in our realistic world - through "grace".
no man will avert grace unless that grace is packaged suspiciously.
that said, the grace of god is indeed liberating only because, the legal oppressor has exploited the laws of the land to oppress and suppress the poor.
this is happening even today and millions are dying from poverty and the ravages of mammon.
as carnages of men continues, what do these deluded proponents of grace do? basically nothing except to preach a perverted doctrine of grace which look at the kingdom within themselves.
well, keep looking for inner transformation and pay ludicrous salary to your ministers of satan because, lip service, christian mysticism, has never resolved the problems of poverty and CORRUPTION in the world.
your gospel, not the true gospel of christ, is basically useless and will not change the world for the better instead, result in more division and bloodshed - as history has clearly shown.
you're in a good mood today Anon...
Hi Anonymous and Graig
Anon a note :We cannot change anything until we accept it. Condemnation does not liberate, it oppresses.Grace sets you free , we are the CHILDREN of the King of Kings who says we have to live as paupers God has a plan for each of us .Look at the world they have Rich and Poor sinners , so why cant there be Rich and Poor Believers. Take a look and listen to this : copy the following url you will be Blessed http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xdSJFHnbls0&feature=related
apparently, like most christian bloggers, are afraid/insecure to publish what the public has to say.
a close mind is the devil's workshop i say!
apparently, like most christian bloggers, are afraid/insecure to publish what the public has to say.
Amen you need to register and not hide behind Anon....as you say :
a close mind is the devil's workshop i say!
my IP address can be tracked and identified. there is no hiding.furthermore, what is said is more important than who said it.
The problem with debating with christians is that they always end up accusing you of “behavioral insubmission” or often fault find you when you offer a contrary view which they can’t assimilate or their rigidity will not allow a different perspective.
Now why can’t they just stay within the confine of the topic, agree or disagree, instead of being JUDGMENTAL and let others decide on CONTENT?
You see, the seed of YOUR faith/theology is basically CONDEMNATION(which is clear in how you had veered from the topic and attacked me instead of just being objective when you resorted to fault finding such as: you are unteachable(hello,am i suppose to yield by brains to you to be teachable?),argumentative etc(I think you are offended because I disagree with your ideology/ theology and that provided you with some ammunition to dismiss me or CENSURE my replies – fault find/condemnation)
T.A, wouldn’t it be better if you channel your agape energy( if you can find it in you at all) to counter with objectivity and biblical references etc and can the spirit of condemnation which, incidentally, not reflective of christ?
That said, why didn’t you put up my the other TWO POSTS? What are you afraid of? Right or wrong, let your readers decide or you( the anointed one) want to REIGN over their minds like some militant religious rulers in IRAN?
For your Info, Jesus is a DEMOCRAT! He frees us from DICTATORS( do not walk after the DICTATES of the flesh) and whose theology/ideology ROBS US FROM BEING A THINKING AND REASONING human being with all the perfectly imperfectly made humanistic qualities such as challenging secular and religious dictators or those who would elevate themselves above others by being the ….ANOINTED!
I subscribe to paul’s central message – We preach christ(the ANOINTED) CRUCIFIED!
(ps: you want others to respect what you say you have to first RESPECT THEIR VOICE! please put up my the other two posts)
will the above be posted?
Gee Anon, you seem like one angry dude (or dudette :-)...
BTW... this is my blog and i don't remember deleting any posts...
craig, that post wasn't for you. you have been a gentleman...so far.
i a hard on christianity and those who bear its murderous spirit.
to delete someones's voice is equivablent to murder( or the SPIRIT OF MURDER) in the real world( that's what people who are in power sometimes do to those who opposes them - they SILENCE them or MURDER/ASSASSINATE THEM!)
again, i am not refering to you craig. i am speaking to the general christian community which i have visited who will CENSURE or in the SPIRIT OF MURDER, block my right to speak my mind on religious issues!
Fire and Hammer.
if you visit that site, don't bother to comment.
like i had said, a close mind is a devil's worshop.
his spirit of intolerance or hatred just proves me right! not worth reading!
cool...but i must say...you write some stuff that i seriously disagree with...
from a "deluded proponent of grace"... ;-)
it's because i didn't bother to elaborate.
it will probably take an entire book to do just that so...don't judge "the book" by its cover or judge my "crumbs".
that said, i am very familiar with where you stand because, i was there before.
but i cant say the reverse is true
tell you what. why don't you do a specific topic on sin( link it to grace if you like) and i will follow up.
maybe you can start from the beginning or origin of sin and define it, its consequences etc for us
don't have to be long so long as the essential points are included
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