Thursday, October 14, 2010

The fruit of law-galistic thinking ...

If you think about it, all denominations have one thing in a matter of fact so do those that are non-denominational but still mix law with grace...

That is Law-galistic thinking! A law mentality that has been, through generations, firmly entrenched into the minds of the members...

Through that thinking, a wall of hostility (Eph 2:14-15) is raised up, i believe, in 4 places...

1. Between the born again and those still lost...Jesus didn't have this thinking that is why "Sinners" where attracted to him. "Sinners" (or those not born again often feel condemned by the church, and as we all know, condemnation only serves to cause division. If i know you are condemning me, i would be an idiot to hang around you or take your advice!) Jesus didnt have this attitude so unbelievers felt safe with him, they were comfortable around him. Was he trying to score brownie points, no, he was being Godly!) Remember Jesus did not come to condemn but to save.

2. Between two believers (You don’t do as much as I do, pray, give, holiness etc so therefor you don't deserve my encouragement, love, acceptance, gifts)

3. Between local church and local church (denominationalism) I’m a Roman Catholic, Baptist, Methodist, Pentecostal, Charismatic, (These are NOT local church’s but… Jewish, Hindu, Muslim ) - I have the right way to God and you don’t kind of thinking…(I know there is a difference between a Charismatic and a Hindu, one is saved and the other is not but under the law the thinking can be very similar. I.e. don’t dare try and take the little red dot off a Hindu’s forehead or don’t dare try and tell some Charismatic/Pentecostal the law has been abolished – you will get the same "violent" reaction). Churches will even criticize and bite each other for this same is known that churches preaching the gospel of grace get persecuted by churches that don't...

4. Within the mind of a born again believer (outworking itself in double mindedness, condemnation, guilt, fear, disparity, no power, little faith, little revelation – you get the picture!)

The antidote?

The gospel of grace!!! Putting the law in its right place, ala Rom 10:4!

As the church we have one responsibility: breaking down THAT wall, keeping people free – as Paul did (True Apostolicity)...

When that wall is gone we are united first with Dad, then each other... the fruit of that? mmmm lets think... love joy peace PARTY !!!!!!!!