Friday, August 29, 2008


"When Scripture refers to "leaven" it is always referring to law. So if you get a prophetic word about leaven then there is legalism in your church. Sin won't ruin a whole congregation but legalism will".

Steve Barker

"Grace reigns and it does not share the Throne with anybody or anything else. You must not put your good works there, or the Church or priests, or saints, or the Virgin Mary or anything else. Grace occupies the Throne alone; and if you try to put anything alongside it, it means that you have not understood the "reign of grace".

Dr Martyn Lloyd-Jones

Dear Pastors, let grace (teachimg/preaching freedom in the grace of Christ!) reign ( have preeminance, first place, above all) in the church/assembly/community you are called to oversee, please, for the sake of the God's people....and yourself!

PS...don't take my word for it, take HIS.


Alan Hiu said...

Hi Craig,

Sorry Craig, that is usually not the case. The Bible in the book of Hebrews says, "No longer will a man teach his neighbor, or a man his brother, saying, "Know the Lord," because they will all know me from the least of them to the greatest...

Whoever they are, they must first know that they are the least. WE first know because we have considered we are the least...


Craig Glenn said...

Hey Al...thanks for the comment!

I am not too sure i understand you though Are you commenting on the Steve Barker quote, the Martin Llyod-Jones quote or my little one at the end... ;-)

Alan Hiu said...

Sorry Craig, I meant your quote at the end. That was my cry too but to no avail...

The Bible in Hebrews is right... They will all know me from the least of them to the greatest...

If anyone think that they are the greatest, they will be the last one to know grace.

Craig Glenn said...

Hey Allan..sure..i know. Take a look at my last post, a quote from Mr Choo...he says it very well.

Alan Hiu said...

Mmmm... This Mr. Choo is a nice guy. He is a man of God; full of grace. We all love him...!!!