Saturday, August 30, 2008


"Self-righteousness does not lead to holy living but to idolatry".

"The sin God hates the most is self-righteousness".

"If your sin could stop the favour of God on your life then your sin is more powerful than God's New Covenant."

"Grace is God loving, stooping, coming to the rescue, God giving Himself generously in and through Jesus Christ."

"The Gospel is not right living - it's right believing. "

"When you believe right you will also begin to live right. "

"We sinned therefore He suffered, we were justified therefore He rose".


Jamie said...

"If your sin could stop the power of God on your life then your sin is more powerful then God's New Covenent." We have been taught to glorify our performance over His, haven't we? That is so wrong, wrong, wrong!
Great quotes...Joseph Prince, right?

Craig Glenn said...

It was Rob Rufus, Ry...but you right bro, man alive, how wrong we have been, so often not understanding the true heart of God....