Thursday, December 8, 2011


Jesus spoke more about money than anything else, he even went as far to say that you can't serve both God and money....not God and sport, not God and recreation, not God and the flesh, not God and family....but God and money, even giving money a name, Mammon, meaning it is a strong spiritual power, that pits itself against God and demands worship.....interesting to note that the Pharisees often "sneered" at Jesus when he did so...because we are told, "the Pharisees loved money."

There was a reason Jesus did this...that reason was to set you free from the love of money, because someone who loves money cannot receive Gods generosity and His grace regarding can be a beggar or a multimillionaire and love money!

Now in saying that, did you know God WANTS to prosper YOU financially because he wants to bless others through you and that you might know the words of Jesus, "it is more blessed to give than to receive" and that the promise given to Abraham, would be a reality for you, namely... that through YOU all the families of the earth will be blessed!

Remember now, it is not money that God want to bless the families of the earth with, it is Jesus, the Gospel!! That is where money comes has one is the vehicle to get the gospel to the world! It is going to take money to get the gospel to the ends of the earth...

"For God so loved the world that he gave his only son", the Father wants us to have the same attitude, saying, "for I so love the world that I give generously into His priority!"

I heard a rumour the other day..."Craig talks too much about money", well lets say I am not too worried about that...I have one motive, the gospel, Jesus, and getting Him to the ends of the world....

...and I end with a quote from Andrew Wommack...."if God can get it through you, he will get it to you!"

Bless you's !!! c

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