Friday, September 4, 2009

The law WAS our schoolmaster...but no more

"The Mosaic Law was the teacher in the past. It taught the Jews the plan of God through object lessons. It taught them what the work of Jesus Christ would involve. It was actually designed to bring them to Christ. Gal 3:24-25, "The law was our schoolmaster to bring us to Christ so that we might be justified (made righteous) by faith. Now that faith has come, we no longer need the schoolmaster." Rom 2:20 tells us that it was "through the law that we become aware of sin." In other words, it was the law that taught people what was right and wrong. The law was a teacher. But it is very important to know and understand that the law was only a teacher, it could not save anyone. It was designed to show the total depravity of mankind and cause man to look toward the Savior, Jesus Christ."


Anonymous said...

Craig Glenn said...

looked at it, not my thing thanks...anyone can dig up anything about anybody mix it all up and make it look like somebody if they got the the end of the day, like you say, it all sells...