Thursday, February 19, 2009

the assurance of love

"Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God ... "

The word "manner" means "what sort or quality," and is from a root word which implies "what country, tribe or race." So John marvels at the foreign, unearthly, other-worldly quality of God's love for us. Surely we have never seen this kind of love apart from His! To know that He has bestowed this love as a permanent possession upon such unworthy persons as we are, and has called us, or named and confessed us, as His sons, is earth's greatest knowledge.

Paul describes it as the riches of God's glory that will make you strong in the “little” man inside. Jesus Christ dwelling in your heart by faith will securely and deeply settle you, and will enable you to take eagerly for yourself a greater confidence in the limitless dimensions of His love. You will progressively learn by your daily experience with Him the eternal security of His love for you, and earth's knowledge will fade into insignificance as He fills you with the fullness of Himself.

All your heart needs are met in the perfect love of God for you. God is for you. Who can set themselves against you with any success? He will freely give you all things that are for your good and His glory

By H.L. Roush, Snr

1 comment:

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