Friday, January 23, 2009

as Jesus is, so am i in this world

BECAUSE JESUS IS, I AM! “As Jesus is, so are we in this world” (I John 4:17).
Remember the purpose of the gospel is to transform our thinking, as Romans 12:1-2 says. It is designed to change our thinking from earthly thinking to eternal thinking. And keep in mind that ‘eternity’ is much more than just future. It is the eternal past and future, which includes the earthly here and now. Ephesians 1:4 says God chose us before the foundation of the world. That is past tense. Hebrews 13:8 says Jesus is the same, yesterday, today, and forever.

The gospel of the finished work of Christ shows us is who we are in Jesus. Thus, the scripture we are looking at today tells us that as Jesus is, WE are. This is a big spiritual paradigm for most Christians to embrace. This is because our minds are consumed with who we are in the natural, not in the spiritual. But the truth is that if we will see ourselves in the spiritual, as God sees us, then we will become more spiritual, and less natural. “As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.”

The gospel is two things: (1) all God has done for us in the finished work of the cross of Christ, and (2) who we are in Jesus because of that finished work. With this in mind, let the seed of today’s scripture be planted deep down inside you, and see it for what it says:

AS Jesus is, so am I in this world!
As JESUS is, so am I in this world!
As Jesus IS, so am I in this world!
As Jesus is, SO am I in this world!
As Jesus is, so AM I in this world!
As Jesus is, so am I in this world!
As Jesus is, so am I IN this world!
As Jesus is, so am I in THIS world!
As Jesus is, so am I in this WORLD!

When you think about it in the natural, this verse defies human logic. This is true of ALL the gospel. The gospel is ‘the wisdom of God,’ and it is very different from human or worldly wisdom we hear so much of. Thus the gospel is meant to transform our thinking from natural to spiritual ways of seeing. This is seeing with ’gospel eyes.’ As Paul says in II Corinthians 4:4, Satan will do anything to keep us from seeing with gospel eyes.

We are called believers. As such, our job is to believe what God says. Again, Jesus’ very first sermon was, “Repent and believe the gospel” (Mark 1:15). When we have faith in the gospel, Hebrews 4:2 says it is of untold PROFIT to us. Jesus says our ‘work’ is to believe what God SAYS, not what we THINK (John 6:29).

By Roger Himes


Alan Hiu said...

Big Amen Bro. Preach it, the fire is on...!!!

lydia said...


lydia said...

This is so profound, I had to come back again......this is such a simple yet profound message, we are believers, our job is to believe, that IS our christian duty!!! Thank you so much for this!!

Craig Glenn said...

Amen, Jesus' disciples asked him, what is the work God requires and he simply stated, "to believe in the one he sent". We are to believe. Simple. Have faith. nothing more. The law kills faith, how do we increase faith? Break the law of the minds of Gods people...simple

Sophia said...

This is the verse which every believer and non-believer needs to embrace. No more "trying" and "working for it", but receiving and know who we are in Jesus!

Thanks for sharing!