Friday, September 5, 2008

Grace and Miracles and Freedom

"And He could do no miracle there except that He laid His hands on a few sick people and healed them". Mark 6:5

"He could there do NO miracles". Jesus marvels at unbelief and the only two He said had great faith were non-Jews outside of the covenant. This was because they weren't labouring under the condemnation of the Law. They weren't trying to merit the anointing of God! Yet in His own home town He couldn't do any miracles. The time is coming when we find it easier to do miracles among the heathen rather than churches”.

Ref: Rob Rufus - "Newfrontiers Prayer and Fasting – Session 2" – May 2007.


lydia said...

I think the time is kind of here a bit, where it is already easier to do miracles among the unsaved, the church is still stuck believing God is the one making them sick!
By the way, I would have liked to hear this message, sounds like a good one!!

Craig Glenn said...

I agree Lydia....and i thank God that (some of) the church is beginning to wake from her unbelief stupor brought on by years of a mixed bag of law and grace...thank you Jesus. Let freedom come, let faith arise..let the healing begin!!!