Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Forgiven forever!

"Knowing and believing that all of our sins (past, present, and future) hav e been completely forgiven through the blood of the Lamb is the doorway through which every child of God must walk before he can begin to truly understand the amazing grace of God. Trying to teach a Christian that he has a new identity in Christ, that the Holy Spirit now actually lives in him, and that his Heavenly Father loves and accepts him unconditionally will make little sense without him first believing that the sin issue between himself and God is over.

Perhaps no other aspect of our salvation in Christ has been so confusing, paralyzing, and even divisive within the body of Christ as the forgiveness of our sins. How tragic that one of the most glorious and foundational truths of the gospel has deteriorated into a perplexing doctrine that many Christians would prefer to argue was an incomplete work of our Savior rather than one that is actually "finished" (John 19:30).

Why the confusion on something so elementary and crucial to our salvation? Your enemy, the father of lies, does not want you to know and believe that you have been forgiven, once-and-for-all. Since he cannot alter your eternal destiny if you are in Christ, then he will do all he can to deceive you into thinking that your behavior is to be the primary focus of your life."

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